Assigning color, lineweight, linetype and other properties to your layers is a good way to manage your drawing. If you have a drawing however in which all those property values are assigned to the entities itself you can use the 'Properties To Layer' command to clean the drawing up. You only have to select the entities which you want to clean up and determine in the main menu which properties the command should consider. The command can consider the layer, color, linetype, lineweight, linetype scale, global width and hatchpatterns. The command by default will consider all the properties and will use the values to create a new layer. The properties will be assigned to this new layer and will be used to create a unique layer name. Where possible the properties of the analysed entities will be set to 'ByLayer' and the entities will be placed on the layer which was created based on those properties. The command will create as much layers necessary so all entities are placed on a layer with the properties the had before. The more properties the command has to consider the more layers it is likely to make.