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Radiate Object Color

When you have a selection of point, circles, blocks and/or lines you can change their color by selecting an linear entity. The 'Radiate Object Color' allows you to select the points, circles, blocks and/or lines in your drawing. When you confirm your selection the you can select a linear entity. The command will use the color and position of this entity to color the entities you selected. If an entity is within the offset distance from the command the entity will be colored with the color of the selected linear entity. If the entity is within the radiation distance from the linear entity the command will change it's color. The closer the entity is to the linear entity the closer the more the color will resemble the color of the selected entity. If the color is close to the edge, defined by the radiation distance, the color will be close to the original color of the entity. Entities outside of the edge will keep their original color.