When drawn properly hatches have an area. Often it's useful to present the areas of those hatches but if you have a large collection you may get lost in those numbers. With the 'Color By Area' command it's easy to show where the bigger and where the smaller hatches are, so you can present a general overview of the sizes. All you have to do is select the hatches you want to use after which you select the colors you want to use. You select the colors by selecting entities in your drawing that are colored with the desired color. The smallest hatches will be color with the first color you select, the biggest with the second color. Every hatch in between will be colored based on it's size. The smaller the hatch the closer the color will be to the first color you've selected, the bigger the closer it is to the second color, resulting in a drawing with gradient colors that helps you to see where the biggest and where the smallest hatches are, in the blink of an eye.